§ 10.40.010. Authority to establish loading zones.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The City Manager is authorized to determine and to mark by signs or curb markings loading zones and passenger loading zones and disabled parking zones as follows:


    On any street, alley, or public parking facility within any business district;


    On any street, alley, or public parking facility in front of or adjacent to any place of business, school, park, public building, hall or place used for the purpose of public assembly.


    In no event shall more than one-half of the total curb length in any block be reserved for loading zone purposes.


    Whenever curb marking is used, loading zones shall be indicated by yellow paint and posted with a sign indicating "LOADING ZONE."


    Whenever curb marking is used, passenger loading zones shall be indicated by white paint and posted with a sign indicating "PASSENGER LOADING ZONE."


    Disabled parking spaces shall be indicated by blue space markings and, in addition, an adjacent and appropriately posted sign conforming to the requirements of the California Vehicle Code.


    Disabled parking loading areas shall be indicated by white cross-hatched lines adjacent to a disabled parking space.

(Ord. 00-06 § 2 (part))