§ 17.12.5. Required plans and materials.  

Latest version.
  • In addition to the plans and materials required to accompany an application for a zoning map amendment, an application for rezoning to a PD district shall include a PD plan incorporating the following items:


    A map showing proposed district boundaries and the approximate relationship of the district to uses and structures within a three hundred (300) foot radius of the district boundaries;


    A map and/or aerial photo of the proposed district extending one hundred (100) feet beyond its boundary showing sufficient topographic detail to clearly indicate the character of the terrain; ridgelines and creeks; the type, location and condition of mature trees (of six inch diameter or greater) and other natural vegetation; and the location of existing development, including structures and roads;


    Plans and information which clearly and accurately respond to the following required information:


    Gross and net acreages of all proposed lots, square footage totals of all proposed structural development, and residential density computations calculated pursuant to the slope density formula in Chapter 17.7 of this title;


    Location of all proposed building footprints and setbacks to proposed property lines;


    Location of all proposed roads, driveways, parking areas and related improvements;


    Extent and nature of grading, including estimates of earth cuts and fills and proposed retaining walls, if any;


    Drainage plan showing how water will drain from site to existing or proposed drainage courses or pipes;


    Landscape plan, including proposed species, sizes and numbers of plants, general planting locations and irrigation/maintenance methods;


    Detailed architectural renderings of all proposed buildings and other site improvements, including exterior elevations, building heights, relationships to existing and proposed grades, floor plans, roof plans, building cross-sections, building color and materials board, and other plans as deemed necessary by the city to ensure adequate review of project components;


    The proposed location and capacity of major components of sewage, water, drainage, solid waste disposal, energy, and other essential facilities proposed to be located within the area covered by the specific plan;


    Title report for the subject property, issued within six months of application submittal;


    Soils/geotechnical report which addresses site conditions, proposed site improvements and mitigations which may be necessary to support proposed site development. (The report may be subject to peer review by a geotechnical engineering subconsultant to the city prior to submittal of a PD application, as determined by the City Engineer);


    Phasing plan which indicates precise timing of phased development, if any, for development of all plan components;


    Financial analysis which provides detailed costs of the proposed development, including site preparation, and assesses fiscal impacts, both immediate and future, to the city and service providers, consistent with any phased development plans;


    Any other information which the city deems necessary to fully address and analyze the proposed plan.


    A three-dimensional model of the proposed development, delineating buildings, open space and internal circulation.

(Ord. 99-5 § 2 Exh. A (part))