§ 17.12.6. Review and approval of a PD plan and rezoning.  

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  • A.

    General Procedures and Requirement Findings. A PD plan shall be processed at the same time as consideration of the application for reclassification to a PD district. The Planning Commission shall consider a proposed PD plan and rezoning at a noticed public hearing and provide the City Council with a recommendation on the proposed plan and rezoning application.


    Following Planning Commission review, the City Council shall consider the PD plan and rezoning at a noticed public hearing.


    Reclassifying land to a PD district must include a resolution either approving or conditionally approving a PD plan, and findings that:


    The PD plan is consistent with the specific purposes of this chapter, the general plan and other applicable policies, and is compatible with surrounding development;


    The PD plan will enhance the potential for superior community design and environmental protection of significant or unique site features in comparison with the development under the base district regulations that would apply if the plan were not approved;


    Deviations from the base district regulations that otherwise would apply are justified by compensating benefits of the PD plan;


    The PD plan includes adequate provisions for utilities services;


    Protection of the public health, safety and general welfare; and


    Public service demands will not exceed the capacity of existing and planned systems;


    No net negative costs to the city and public service providers will result from the development.


    In approving a PD plan, the Planning Commission has the authority to recommend and the City Council establish standards and conditions which are necessary to ensure consistency with these findings and the stated purpose of the PD district. The City Council may also enlist the assistance of the Parks and Recreation Commission in considering the plan prior to City Council action. If an approved PD plan does not contain sufficient detail to allow for subsequent project construction or site improvements without further discretionary review, the approved PD plan shall identify what additional discretionary review(s) are necessary.


    PD Plan Effective Date and Expiration. A PD plan is effective within thirty (30) days of the ordinance creating the PD district for which it was approved. The City Council may impose a date and terms upon which a PD plan will expire, although establishment of expiration dates and terms is not required. An approved PD plan may specify a development staging or phasing program. Expiration of a PD Plan voids the PD district and causes the property to revert to the zoning map designation preceding the amendment to the PD district or to a zoning designation approved by the City Council, consistent with the general plan land use designation for the project site.

(Ord. 99-5 § Exh. (part))