§ 17.16.4. Off-street parking and loading spaces required.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Off-street parking and loading spaces shall be provided in accord with Schedule 17.16.4A entitled "Off-Street Parking and Loading Spaces Required." For off-street loading, references are to Schedule 17.16.4B, which sets space requirements and standards for different groups of use classifications and sizes of buildings. References to spaces per square foot are to be computed on the basis of gross floor area unless otherwise specified, and shall include allocations of shared restroom, halls and lobby area, and mechanical equipment or maintenance areas, but shall exclude area for vertical circulation, stairs or elevators.


    Where the use is undetermined, or not specified herein, the Zoning Administrator shall determine the probable use and the number of parking and loading spaces required. In order to make this determination, the Zoning Administrator may require the submission of survey or other data from the applicant or have data collected at the applicant's expense.

    Schedule 17.16.4A

    Off-street Parking and Loading Spaces Required

    Use Classifications Schedule A Off-Street Parking Spaces Off-Street Loading Spaces per Group Classification on Schedule B
    Congregate Care 0.5 per sleeping room, or as specified by use permit
    Day Care, Limited One per six children; maximum enrollment based on maximum occupancy load
    Group Residential One per sleeping room plus one per 100 sq. ft. used for assembly purposes or for common sleeping areas
    Multifamily Residential:
     Studio One covered/unit
     One Bedroom 1.5 covered/unit
     2+ Bedrooms Two covered/unit
     Guest Parking 0.25/unit
    Single-family Dwelling and Manufactured Home on Individual Lot Four: two enclosed/two unenclosed
    Accessory Dwelling Unit See Section 17.3.4
    Residential Care One per three licensed beds
    Multifamily Senior Housing Facility:
     Senior occupied unit 0.5 covered per unit
     On-site manager's unit 1 covered per unit
     Guest 1 space per 10 units
    Adult Businesses As specified by use permit A
    Animal Services One per 400 sq. ft. A
    Commercial Recreation:
     Electronic Game Centers One per 400 sq. ft.
     Theaters One per four fixed seats, or one per 35 sq. ft. seating area if there are no fixed seats. B
     Restaurants One per three seats
     Restaurants, Take-out One per 150 sq. ft. A
     Bar/Tavern One per 50 sq. ft. of seating area A
     Bar with Live Entertainment/Dancing One per 50 sq. ft. of seating area; plus one per 50 sq. ft. of dance floor A
    Home Improvement Sales and Service One per 500 sq. ft. plus one per 1,000 sq. ft. of outdoor sales and storage area
    Laboratory, Limited One per 500 sq. ft. A
    Maintenance and Repair Services One per 400 sq. ft. A
    Nursery One per 1,000 sq. ft. lot area for first 10,000 sq. ft.; one per 5,000 sq. ft. thereafter, plus one per 250 sq. ft. sales floor area
    Offices, Business and Professional, including Medical and Dental One per 250 sq. ft. B
    Personal Services (Barber, Beauty Shop) Two spaces per chair
    Retail Sales, General One per 250 sq. ft. A
    Bank and Savings and Loan One per 200 sq. ft., plus three spaces for each walk-up teller window and ATM B
     With Drive-Through Service Queue space for five cars per teller
    Vehicles Sales and Service:
     Automobile Repair, Limited One per 200, but not less than five
     Auto Rentals One per 400 sq. ft.; plus two vehicle drop-off spaces A
     Auto Washing One per 200 sq. ft. of sales, office, or waiting area; plus on-site queue for three cars
     Service Stations One per 2,500 sq. ft. of lot area; plus one per 500 sq. ft. of service bay and storage area (Pump spaces are not counted)
     Vehicle Equipment Sales and Service One per 1,000 sq. ft. of lot area
    Visitor Accommodations One per guest room; plus one per 50 sq. ft. banquet seating area plus parking for other uses and facilities as required by this schedule A
    Public and Semi-Public
    Cemetery As specified by permit
    Club and Lodge One per 50 sq. ft. used for assembly purposes C
    College, Public or Private One per three classroom seats, or as specified by use permit
    Congregate Care Per use permit
    Convalescent Hospital As specified by use permit A
    Cultural Institution One per 300 sq. ft. C
    Day Care, General Three plus on per ten children C
    Government Office One per 200 sq. ft. C
    Hospitals One per two licensed beds A
    Park and Recreation Facilities As specified by use permit
    Public Safety Facility As specified by use permit A
    Religious Assembly One per 50 sq. ft. seating area
    Schools, public and private As specified by use permit
    Utilities, Major As specified by use permit
    Vocational Schools As specified by use permit


    Schedule 17.16.4B

    Off-Street Loading Spaces

    Number of Spaces Required
    Gross Floor Area (sq. ft.) 10′× 20′×10′ *VC 12′×35′×16′ *VC 12′×50′×16′ *VC
    Use Classification Group A
     3,001 to 15,000 - 1 -
     15,001 to 50,000 - 1 1
     50,001 and over - 2 1
    Use Classification Group B
     0 to 10,000 1 - -
     10,000 to 20,000 1 1 -
     20,001 and over 1 2 -
    Use Classification Group C
     0 to 30,000 - 1 -
     30,001 to 100,000 - 1 1
     100,001 and over - 2 1


    * VC = Vertical Clearance

    (Ord. 02-03 § 18; Ord. 99-5 § 2 Exh. A (part))

(Ord. No. 10-11, § 4, 12-21-10; Ord. No. 14-04 , § 2(exh. A), 5-20-14; Ord. No. 17-03 ; § 2(Att. A), 8-1-17)