§ 17.30.1. Intent.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The purpose of design review is to preserve and enhance the semi-rural character of Orinda, maintain property values, conserve and enhance the visual character of the community and protect the public health, safety and general welfare of its citizens. The appearance of, and relationship between, open spaces, buildings and structures has a material and substantial relationship to the public health, safety and general welfare. Residential and commercial neighborhoods can and will deteriorate because of poor planning, neglect of proper design standards, inappropriate development on lots which are constrained by their size or shape or other physical characteristics, and the existence of buildings and structures unsuitable to and incompatible with the character of the neighborhood and the character of the community. These changes, in turn, adversely affect property values and levels of maintenance and improvement of surrounding properties.


    Conversely, the quality of life and stable property values are enhanced by appropriate and diverse architectural designs which creatively reflect the predominantly restrained architectural character of Orinda's existing homes. For example, design elements which would be appropriate in spacious, secluded surroundings and which make grand or expansive architectural statements (such as high arches, masonry veneer columns and steep roof pitches), are not appropriate for smaller homes or homes with minimum or near-minimum setbacks. Generally, design features should emphasize horizontal elements such as the use of roof forms that de-emphasize the building's height and mass and provide visual relief, the recessing of the second story plane, and the use of low porches, arbors and breezeways that break up the perception of visual height from the street.

(Ord. 99-5 § 2 Exh. A (part))