§ 17.30.3. Design review requirement.  

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  • Design review approval prior to issuance of a building permit is required for a project which meets any one or more of the following descriptions:


    Single-Family Residential Projects.


    A new single-family home that is not a renovation;


    An addition which exceeds one thousand (1,000) square feet;


    An addition which creates a second story above an existing single story residence and an addition of a second story under an existing single story residence if the City receives a request for design review where one does not presently exist;


    An addition over one hundred ninety-nine (199) square feet in size which:


    Is proposed on a small or narrow lot as defined in Section 17.30.8 of this chapter; or


    Will result in a residence with a total floor area exceeding seven thousand (7,000) square feet, as provided in Section 17.30.6 of this chapter.


    An addition over five hundred (500) square feet of floor area and over 18 feet in height located partially or entirely in the ridgeline or environmental preservation overlay district, except as provided in Section 17.5.6 of this chapter;


    An addition that results in a home that is larger than the maximum permissible floor area without design review under Chapter 17.6;


    A renovation which includes changes in doors or windows, or both, and an affected neighbor requests design review in accordance with Subsection 17.42.1.B. of this title. All other renovations are exempt from design review so long as proof is made according to Planning Department requirements that the project meets the definition of a renovation;


    An addition, including one under two hundred (200) square feet, will be subject to design review if an approval for either a new residence or for an exterior addition has been granted for the property within the past five years from the time of the subject application and design review would have been required under this section for the multiple projects combined and deemed to be a single project;


    An addition of newly created habitable space in an attic or basement which is fully contained within the building envelope of any conforming or legally nonconforming single-family residential structure, as determined by the Zoning Administrator and an affected neighbor requests design review under Subsection 17.42.1.B. of this title.


    Other Projects. Design review approval is required prior to an exterior change of any nonresidential building in the residential districts and any building in the following districts: RM, DC, DO, PS, PR, OS, PD and the SP districts, except for repair work and minor alterations as determined in the reasonable discretion of the Zoning Administrator. Changes which affect the exterior of a nonresidential building shall include proposed changes to signs and commercial brand identification materials, including but not limited to exterior color changes.

    (Ord. 05-07 § 7: Ord. 04-06 § 3; Ord. 03-03 § 5; Ord. 02-03 §§ 24, 25; Ord. 99-5 § 2 Exh. A (part))

(Ord. No. 10-03, § 2(exh. A), 4-20-10; Ord. No. 10-10, § 2(exh. A), 1-4-11; Ord. No. 17-03 ; § 2(Att. A), 8-1-17)