§ 17.34.10. Submittal requirements.  

Latest version.
  • In addition to general application submittal requirements, all applications for wireless communications facilities shall include the following:


    Five year wireless communications facilities master plan (or, if the carrier has previously submitted a full master plan, an updated master plan must be submitted). The master plan shall consist of the following components:


    A written description of the type of technology each company/carrier will provide to its customers over the next five years (cellular, PCS, ESMR, etc.);


    A description of the radio frequencies to be used for each technology;


    A description of the type of consumer services (voice, video, data transmissions) and consumer products (mobile phones, laptop PC's, modems) to be offered;


    A written list of all existing, existing to be upgraded or replaced, and proposed cell sites within the city for these services by the company making the application;


    A presentation-size map of the city which shows the five year plan cell sites, or if individual properties are not known, the geographic service areas of the cell sites; this map shall be provided in both hard copy, at a twenty-four (24) inch by thirty-six (36) inch or greater size, and in computer (3.5-inch) disk form in dxf format;


    The written list of cell sites shall include all anticipated cell sites over a five-year period, and shall be provided in both hard-copy and computer (3.5-inch) disk form formatted for Microsoft Word for Windows; the written list shall include the following information:


    List of the cell sites first by address then by Assessor's parcel number,


    List the zoning district in which the cell sites are to be located,


    List the other land use or uses on the site at which each facility would be located, and include a detailed description of the existing structure or structures on that site,


    List the carrier or carriers who would occupy the site,


    List the square footage or acreage of the site and describe the topography of the site,


    If the site is governed by certain easement restrictions, or other restrictions on location imposed by the property owner or easement-holder, describe those restrictions as they relate to the placement of wireless communications facilities on the site,


    List the number of antennae and base transceiver stations per site by carrier, and if there are other installations on a site, list the number by each carrier,


    Describe the location and type of antennae installation(s) (facade-mounted, roof-mounted, ground- mounted, freestanding monopole) and location of the base transceiver installation(s),


    Describe any efforts to camouflage or otherwise "stealth" the proposed antennae installation(s), base transceiver station(s) or other proposed installation(s),


    List the properties and public rights-of-ways from which the proposed wireless communications facilities would be visible, and, to the extent feasible, provide photographs of these facilities from the relevant vantage points,


    List the height from grade to the top of the antennae installation(s) and the base transceiver installation(s),


    List the Radio Frequency range in Megahertz and list the wattage output of the equipment;


    Visual representations which accurately depict the appearance of the proposed facility within the context of the site proposed for development (i.e., photo-simulations);


    Mock-up structures and/or story poles which replicate the proposed wireless communications facility shall be provided in the field;


    Documentation demonstrating that use of the site will not result in levels of radio frequency (RF) emissions which will exceed Federal Communication Commission standards. This documentation shall be independently verified by a third party reviewer prior to issuance of a wireless communications facility permit;


    A description of any proposed noise-generating equipment, including the times and decibel levels of the noise which would be produced;


    Plans specifying any proposed access roads, parking areas and new utilities service connections that would be necessary to either construct or maintain the proposed wireless communications facility;


    Plans specifying the placement and design of any proposed equipment enclosure;


    A map with the site specific search ring indicating the geographic area in which the site must be located to meet coverage objectives;


    A map showing the area to be serviced by the site;


    A letter explaining the site selection process, including information about alternate sites and why they were not selected;


    A description of the type of facility that would be required to locate the facility at an alternate location, including height, antenna configuration and equipment location;


    Such other information as may be requested by the city a third party reviewer to make the determinations required by this chapter.

(Ord. 00-2 § 12; Ord. 99-5 § 2 (Exh. A (part))