§ 17.34.2. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • In this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:

    "Antenna" means a device used in communications which transmits or receives radio signals.

    "Applicant" means owner(s) of property (and, where applicable, easements) upon which wireless communications facilities are to be located;

    "Architecturally significant modification" means a structural addition to an existing structure, other than a wireless communications facility, that is visually obtrusive and is integrated into the architecture of the existing structure, including but not limited to, new or modified parapets, roof elements and signage.

    "Co-location" means the location of two or more wireless communications facilities on a single support structure, or otherwise sharing a common location. Co-location shall also include the location of wireless communications facilities with other utility facilities and structures such as, but not limited to, water tanks, transmission towers and light standards.

    "Cell site" means a parcel developed with wireless communications facilities. Other uses may or may not also be present on the site.

    "Environmental preservation zone" means those areas shown on the North Orinda specific plan map designated as "environmental preservation," adopted November 21, 1978, and as may be subsequently amended, on file in the city offices.

    "Equipment enclosure" means a cabinet or other structure used to house equipment associated with a wireless communications facility.

    "Facade-mounted antenna" means an antenna that is directly attached or affixed to any facade of a building or other structure.

    "Ground-mounted antenna" means an antenna with its support structure placed directly in the ground, the total height of which does not exceed eighteen (18) feet from finished grade including the height of the antenna and any above grade support structure.

    "Monopole" means a single freestanding pole, post or similar structure over eighteen (18) feet in height from finished grade used to support equipment associated with a wireless communications facility.

    "Related equipment" means all equipment ancillary to the transmission and reception of voice and data via radio frequencies. Such equipment may include, but is not limited to, cable, conduit and connectors.

    "Revocation" means the termination of any city granted zoning administrator permit, wireless communications facility permit or development plan permit pursuant to the procedures established for land use permits in Chapter 17.31 of the Orinda Municipal Code (or pursuant to these sections as amended from time to time).

    "Ridgeline area" means those areas shown on the United States Geological Survey 7.5 minute map labeled "Orinda Ridgeline Map," dated July 23, 1985, and as may be subsequently amended, on file in the city offices.

    "Roof-mounted antenna" means an antenna directly attached or affixed to the roof of an existing structure.

    "Roofline" means the exterior roof to which a roof-mounted facility is affixed.

    "Scenic corridor routes" means those areas designated as scenic corridors in the Orinda general plan: Moraga Way from its intersection with Camino Pablo south to the city limits; Camino Pablo from its intersection with Santa Maria Way north to the city limits; and Highway 24, designated as a California Scenic Highway within the city limits.

    "Service provider" means any authorized provider of wireless communications services.

    "Stealth facility" means any wireless communications facility which is designed to blend into the surrounding environments by means of screening, concealment or camouflage. The antenna and supporting antenna equipment are either not readily visible beyond the property on which it is located, or, if visible, appears to be part of the existing landscape or built environment rather than appear to be a wireless communications facility

    "Telecommunication tower" means a freestanding tower (other than a monopole) that is over eighteen (18) feet in height from finished grade and is designed to support antennas. A lattice tower is an example of a telecommunications tower.

    "Trail corridors" means existing and proposed trail corridors as identified in Figure 3 of the Orinda general plan.

    "View corridors" means those areas identified in the City of Orinda's view preservation ordinance, which include: Mt. Diablo; prominent features of the East Bay Hills, such as Round Top, Huckleberry Preserve and Tilden Park; Briones Reservoir; and Briones Agricultural Preserve.

    "Visually sensitive areas" means environmental preservation zones, ridgeline areas, scenic corridor routes, trail corridors and view corridors.

    "Wireless communications facility" means facilities that transmit and/or receive electromagnetic signals for the following technologies: cellular technology, personal communications services (PCS), enhanced specialized mobile radio services and paging systems. It includes antennas and all other types of equipment used in the transmission or receipt of such signals; structures designed or placed specifically to support this equipment; associated equipment cabinets and/or buildings; and all other accessory development. It does not include radio towers, television towers and specialized public safety networks.

    "Wireless communications facilities master plan" and "master plan" mean the five-year plan, required with the submission of an application for a wireless communications facility, that is described in detail in Section 17.34.10 of this chapter.

(Ord. 99-5 § 2 (Exh. A (part))