§ 17.8.10. Both downtown districts—Additional property development standards.

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  • A.

    Planting Areas. Visible yards not used for parking shall have a three-foot planting strip adjoining an interior property line within fifty (50) feet of a street property line. Front and corner side yards that are not used for drives or walks shall be planting area. Perimeter planting strips around parking lots shall be five feet wide, and ten percent of the interior of parking lots shall be landscaped. See Chapter 17.17 for general landscaping requirements.


    Location of Parking. No parking shall be allowed in a front or corner side setback area unless the Planning Commission, as part of development plan approval, determines that no alternate location is feasible, parking lot landscaping will provide adequate screening, and the site plan and design conforms to the downtown design guidelines.


    Accessory Structures.


    Timing. Nonresidential accessory structures are prohibited prior to the start of construction of a principal structure on a site, except that construction trailers may be placed on a site at the time site clearance and grading begins. Construction trailers may remain on the site only for the duration of construction.


    Location. Except as provided in this subsection, nonresidential accessory structures shall not occupy a required front or corner side yard, or project beyond the front building line of the principal structure on a site. No accessory uses shall be permitted off-site.


    Maximum Height. The maximum height of a nonresidential accessory structure shall be twelve (12) feet, subject to the provisions of this subsection; provided, that pitched roofs shall not exceed a height of sixteen (16) feet.


    Relation to Property Lines. A nonresidential accessory structure in a required rear yard shall be located on a property line or shall be not less than three feet from a property line. A structure on a property line shall not exceed six feet in height at the property line and shall not intercept an inclined daylight plane sloping inward from a point six feet above the property line and rising one foot for each foot of distance for the property line.


    Garages on an Alley. Garages facing an alley shall be set back twenty-five (25) feet from the alley centerline; garages siding on an alley shall be set back fifteen (15) feet from the alley centerline.


    Fences and Retaining Walls. No fence shall exceed six feet in height. The combined height of a retaining wall and a separate fence on a property line shall not exceed eight feet unless the fence is set back from the retaining wall a minimum of half the distance of the required setback but no more than five feet. However, if the fence is on one property and the retaining wall on the abutting property, the maximum fence height is six feet regardless of the retaining wall height.


    Walk-up Facilities. In order to maintain free flow of pedestrian circulation, walk-up facilities, including window service and bank ATM machines, shall be set back at least three feet from the property line and shall be wheelchair accessible at all locations. Where a vehicular circulation area or parking area separates the building from the property line, the walk-up facility shall be located so that it does not impede pedestrian circulation or create conflicts between pedestrian and vehicular circulation flows. A walk-up facility that does not conform to these requirements may only be permitted upon approval of a use permit.


    Mechanical Equipment.


    General Requirement. Exterior mechanical equipment (except solar collectors) and operating mechanical equipment must be screened from off-site views. Equipment to be screened includes, but is not limited to, heating, air conditioning, refrigeration equipment, plumbing line, ductwork and transformers. Placement of mechanical equipment is limited by the setback requirements of the base zoning district, unless otherwise provided for within this title.


    Utility Meters. A utility meter must be screened from view from the public right-of-way. A meter or transformer in a required front yard or in a corner side yard must be enclosed in a subsurface vault.


    Screening Specifications. Screening material may have evenly distributed openings or perforations not exceeding fifty (50) percent of the surface area and must effectively screen mechanical equipment so that it is not directly visible from off-site. Heavy, evergreen landscaping may be used to meet these requirements.


    Refuse Storage Areas. A refuse storage area located within a building or screened on all sides by a six-foot high concrete, masonry wall or similar screening mechanism and including an access gate must be provided before occupancy for uses other than a single-family or multifamily dwelling. The Planning Director may waive this screening requirement for refuse collection and storage equipment, including the use of a dumpster and waste storage container, if the collection/storage area is not visible from a street.

(Ord. 02-03 § 33 (part); Ord. 00-2 § 7; Ord. 99-5 § 2 Exh. A (part); Ord. No. 14-04 , § 2(exh. A), 5-20-14)