§ 17.8.9. Downtown office district—Property development standards.  

Latest version.
  • The following Schedule 17.8.9, entitled "DO District—Property Development Standards" prescribes minimum lot dimensions and property development regulations for the downtown office (DO) district.

    Schedule 17.8.9

    DO District—Property Development Standards

    Minimum Lot Area (square feet) 15,000
    Minimum Lot Width (feet) 100
    Minimum Yards:
      Front (feet) 20
      Side (feet) 10
      Corner Side (feet) 15
      Rear (feet) 10
    Maximum Height of Structures (feet) 35
    Maximum Lot Coverage (percent) 40
    Minimum Site Landscaping (percent) 20
    Maximum Stories 2 ½


(Ord. 99-5 § 2 Exh. A (part))