§ 5.20.070. Application requirements.  

Latest version.
  • Every applicant for a fortunetelling license shall make a verified written application, including the required fees, in a form satisfactory to the Chief of Police, and containing:


    The true names, addresses, any criminal records, fingerprints, and photograph(s) of the applicant (who shall be one natural person) and of all persons financially interested in the business, including but not limited to all persons who share in the profits of the business in any way, and all creditors, mortgagees and lessors;


    The location and premises where, and the days and hours when, the fortunetelling will occur;


    The names and addresses the applicant has used for any businesses or occupations for the five years immediately preceding the application;


    Any other information necessary for investigation of the application as required by the Chief of Police.

(Ord. 03-02 § 3 (part))