§ 17.34.6. Review and approval.  

Latest version.
  • A wireless communications facility permit shall be obtained prior to installation of a wireless communications facility.


    Staff Review. Zoning Administrator approval shall be required for a wireless communications facility permit for any proposed facade-mounted, roof-mounted or ground-mounted facility in a commercial zoning district that would be in place on a temporary basis not to exceed six months, or for any proposed facade-mounted, roof-mounted or ground-mounted at one of the following encouraged locations (listed in the order of preference):


    Downtown public, nonprofit, semi-public and businesses (buildings or other structures), including downtown locations which are visible from general plan-designated scenic corridor areas; provided, that such facilities are not visually obtrusive;


    Public, nonprofit or semi-publicly-owned property, such as fire stations, churches and schools, where such a location will mitigate visual obtrusiveness and land use compatibility impacts;


    Co-location of wireless communications facilities on approved, encouraged sites only where such co-location reduces traffic, visual and other cell site impacts; and


    Co-location on existing public utility structures such as electrical transmission towers and water tanks in nonvisually sensitive areas.


    Planning Commission Review. Planning Commission approval shall be required for a wireless communications facility located at any of the following discouraged locations (listed in order of preference):


    Residentially-zoned parcels not otherwise covered in subsection A of this section;


    Co-location on existing public utility structures in visually sensitive areas; and


    On a new, stand-alone monopole in any area where the monopole is not incorporated into an existing comparable-sized structure in a stealth manner.

    In addition, Planning Commission approval shall be required for any other wireless communications facility permit that does not meet the criteria of subsection A of this section.


    Appeal. A decision of the Zoning Administrator may be appealed to the Planning Commission. A decision of the Planning Commission may be appealed to the City Council.


    Review and Approval Matrix. The following matrix describes the required review and approval procedures outlined in subsections A and B of this section, as well as the restriction on monopoles and telecommunications towers specified in Section 17.34.4. ("ZA" stands for Zoning Administrator and "PC" stands for Planning Commission.)

    Section 17.34.6 Matrix

    Facade-Mounted, Roof-Mounted or Ground-Mounted Monopole/Telecommunications Tower
    A.Facility at site that is specified in the first sentence of Section 17.34.3 ZA PC
    B.Site not classified under (A) above PC PC
    C.Temporary Facility (6 months or less) in a Commercial Zone ZA Not permitted


(Ord. 99-5 § 2 Exh. A (part))